Sunday, January 19, 2014

a note on turning hobbies into income

put it on etsy, they say. you should be selling this, they tell me.
sure, i feel awesome when someone thinks something i make has the potential to make me money. but i don't think anyone really realizes how much work goes into putting your wares out there. the websites like to make you think it's as easy as fill this in, press this button, upload this pic, done! ahhh, but it's so not.
i've been spending an irrationally long amount of time setting up this blog. so that one day, someone will want to follow me as i attempt to create my masterpieces of yarn and ribbon or fabric or whatever. i can't even figure out how to put tabs that work on here.
the road looks long and weary, my friend.
but i am always down for a good learning experience, so i'm going to undertake the tedious task of connecting all things connectable on the interwebz for my teeny tiny biz-nass. business. yes, i am in my (very early) thirties and i still choose to speak...or write...words however i feel they should be said in that moment. there is always a little wiggle room in a constantly evolving (or devolving?) language. to an extent. there will forever be a difference between "your" and "you're" i hope.
ah but i digress.
let's start over. welcome! it's a pleasure to ramble seemingly unconnected tangents in your general direction. this (pause for effect), is my blog. a bit of this and a dash of that and a whole lot of nonsense. but what is life without a little nonsense?
i crochet, i sew, i paint, i draw, i write and i stare out windows, drinking coffee and dreaming of projects. i also daydream of all the what-if possibilities that most adults forget to dream about, but kids never do. like designing my own scuba gear for when we finally create a city underwater. regardless of the fact, i do not scuba dive.
see? utter nonsense.

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